Run Your Race

My mom is no longer on earth. But she lives on in me. I believe this! Because of how her life impacted me. All the stuff I “caught” from her stays with me even today.

She was the last one to finish this little 5k. We all had to wait a long time for her to come thru. A lot of people went home already!

The band played and people cheered and this last place runner was on top of the world with her achievement. Can you believe I was embarrassed for her? I’m ashamed to say that. But everybody starts somewhere. And my mom ended up running a marathon after that.

Yes, he did things that embarrassed me all the time. Today I do things that make me uncomfortable, embarrassed for even trying, all because of the influence of how my mom lived. I lived in fear of what others thought of me. And she grew out of that. I watched her grow out of that debilitating fear. She started college again after 50, ran races, got a job with a bunch of 20 somethings and was thriving. The best part, she and I were finding joy and healing in our relationship as mom and daughter.

She is gone way too soon but I see her in myself and I’m so thankful that her legacy lives on. I’m sharing because I think everybody, just by living on the edge, doing scary things and not caring what others think… can grow and change the world for better. Just by being YOU.  In this month where we celebrate mothers, here is to all the ladies who impact others around you just by being. You have no idea of your worth. It’s big.

A Mother’s Day Compliment

At Kindergarten pick-up today my son burst through the classroom door and proudly announced, “I made a special card for you Mom!” It so awesome how the teachers help kids prepare something for Mother’s Day weekend (and I suspect Dad’s of school-aged children everywhere really appreciate that too).  I happily told my Zach how I couldn’t wait to open his card this weekend.

As we began riding our bikes towards home he says to me, “You are a really good Mom.”

Ah, what a sweetheart I thought. He continued, “And you hardly ever shower.”

To which I was a bit taken aback.  Now, true I had not yet showered today, but I was cleaning the house right up to their school day end, which is only 11:30am (oh mere 3 hour Kinder days).  I felt a little self- conscious and started to wonder,”…how often do I pick him up during the week prior to proper grooming?”

He repeated his proud statement, “Hardly any showering at all Mom.”  Now this is getting a little extreme and I am struggling to see the compliment in here. Oh please let this not be printed in my Mother’s Day card, which was likely crafted under the eyes of his teacher and some properly groomed parent helpers in the classroom.  Maybe this is a case of April-Showers-May-Flowers type confusion?  I mean they really do throw out a lot of catchy rhymes and such in Kinder.

I rode my bike up a little closer to his and said in a very patient and interested tone of voice, “Son why do you think I ‘hardly ever’ shower?”  To which he looked at me so confused.  He said in a loud voice, “I said you hardly ever ‘shout’ and that you are not much of a ‘shouter’ –which I like.”  Oh. Bless his heart.


“Let the words you speak always be full of grace.” Colossians 4:6


Questostimony: How do you do Valentine’s Day with boys?

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! If you haven’t thought of how to celebrate this love holiday with your boys, no worries! We asked moms of boys to chime in on how they celebrate Valentine’s Day with their sons. Which mom do you relate to?

Kristen J. Mom of 3 boys:

We do a fun family breakfast, heart shaped pancakes.
Love notes on bedroom doors from Feb 1-14.
I also get them a little something!

Robyn F. Mom of 4 boys, 1 girl:

Valentines Day is my FAVORITE day!!!! Heart decorations everywhere in a house of boys, I don’t care! I remind them about the sacrificial love of Christ. I just love this day!

Faith F. Mom of 6 boys:

We don’t really celebrate this holiday. I only get stuff for the boys for their class if they ask. But I’m much happier if they don’t lol! I’m not too fond of Valentines Day … I know I’m weird! Heart you ladies who do though 😘😘

Kristy H. Mom of two boys:

I hope what I’m going to say doesn’t sound braggy or snobby because there are many areas where I fall short! But making sure my boys know that I love them is definitely not one of them I tell them many times every day with deep meaning how much I love them. Whenever I’m thinking about it I tell them how much I like the person that they have grown to be, how important they are to me, what a good job I thought they did or how impressed I am with them, and we spend time praying together each night. I’ve always made a point of telling my boys I love them in many different ways and I always make sure to add that the reason I can love them so much is because God has loved me so much. I buy them small little gifts every now and then, I like to cook their favorite meals for them I like to do special things with them and spend time one-on-one with each of them often as well. So when Valentine’s Day rolls around I feel no pressure to do anything. Sometimes I do things for them if it’s convenient and I have time but most times we do nothing ! And I do not feel bad about it at all 😊

Julie R. Mom of 4 boys:

My oldest son loves those candy hearts so I got a little box for each boy. I plan to do the “why you’re loved” notes too, I like the idea of a daily note on their door/bed. Like, “you are kind” etc.
I think I’ve given cards & candy in past years. We don’t do much.

Love note to oldest brother. One from mom, the other from little bro. “Payton I am lucky to have you” ❤
Cheri L. Mom of 3 boys:

One son is really into paper airplanes right now. I’m making him make one for each kid in his class for V day. (Luckily there’s only ten lol, small school!). Some years, I put out a fancy table setting with the good dishes. They love it and enjoy it boy style. So funny 😂. My sister watched our boys this weekend and brought Valentine craft stuff for them. (She is used to watching our nieces). Anyway, they were not into it… but after she left, my oldest went all out using the stuff she left behind. He made both my husband and me beautiful cards. The dollar section at the store has cute Valentine things for our table setting. My husband made heart pancakes.  At my request. That was awesome.

There is no perfect standard for showing love to our boys. We all know that. But, there is One who loves us perfectly. Jesus.

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1John 4:10

Happy Valentine’s Day! We hope that as you show love to your boys, your own heart is filled with joy!


It was movie night and my husband and son were glued to Karate Kid (the new one with Will Smith’s son). Observing the influence of a female counterpart the Karate Kid asked Mr. Han, “How did she do that while she was doing nothing except being still?” Then Mr. Han said these profound words, “there’s a big difference between being still and doing nothing.” Wow, no wonder he is the Kung Fu Master?

There is a big difference. We all know the results of doing nothing whether we are moving in circles and accomplishing very little, or just choosing to give in or give up. But, being still before God is an active state. When I’m still, that’s when I can give all of me to God. To seek direction, actively listen and receive confirmation from Him. When I do this, I have what I need to be a loving wife, a good mother and everything else that God has called me to.

Most days I am very busy, I’m always doing something or going somewhere. I’d love to just sit still and be, but I’m afraid I won’t get anything done. I’m afraid of being thought of as lazy. Growing up with a military Dad, we were not allowed to just sit around doing nothing. Being busy appeals to our sense of being productive, making progress, and having a good work ethic. Yes, those are all good things, that good people do, to be good stewards of time and resources.

But now that I’m an adult, I continue being busy all the time and it’s exhausting and not always productive. Unfortunately, I’m passing on that expectation to my son. I won’t allow him to be still. He often tells me that all he wants to do is, “nothing.” He’d like to come home from school and do nothing for a minute, or two. I sometimes agree to it, but I feel the need to remind him of all the things that will be waiting for him when he’s finished “doing nothing.” I am playing old tapes in my head.

I don’t think that is the most beneficial way to be anymore.

There is never an end to the work in this life, or getting everything checked off your list for good. Busy can just be a distraction from where our attention should be. So for the past six months, I’ve intentionally created more space in my life for reflection on what I do, and why I do it. I’m meditating upon one scripture:
Psalm 46:10, “Be still and know that I am God.”
There is so much freedom in these words. First we have the physical rest to just stop for a while and let our minds slow down and focus on things above. When I make space for this reflection time, it reminds me of my true motivation. I want to do what God wants me to do, when He wants me to do it. My busy activities should come from the desires and opportunities God puts in front of me.

Not only do I want this for me, but I want to give this gift to my 11 year old son. My son needs encouragement and permission to be still, so he can hear from God. I can lead him in this way and teach him the benefits of being still.

A friend challenged me to choose a New Year’s Resolutions for 2017 that was not a list, not even one sentence, but simply one word. Knowing God has put this call in me to come and be with Him I knew I had one word, and my word is “still.”
I can’t wait to be still this year and see how things are re-ordered. I can’t wait for the rest and to draw closer to God in my quiet times. I have a feeling I may accomplish more than I ever have before, by being stopping everything to be still.

Pray for the Boys You Love this February

Reasons We Love To

This Valentine’s Day, our young sons might receive or hand out superhero cards that say, “I hope you have a web-slinging day, Valentine!” Or a race car picture with the words, “Speeding your way, to say Happy Valentines Day.” For kids, the holiday can be all about the cupcakes and candy hearts.

But the history of Valentines Day is actually quite epic, heroic and tied to the love of God. One legend says that during 268-270AD the Emperor Claudius II, made a decree to outlaw marriage for single men. He thought soldiers who didn’t have wives or children were better warriors. A local Priest, named Valentine, felt this decision was unjust and, as legend goes, he secretly continued to marry young couples.

Valentine was eventually discovered and jailed. Awaiting his death sentence, he was questioned by a Roman man named Asterius, who had a blind daughter. Valentine cared about her and prayed for her to be healed, and she was. Her father was so moved, he became a follower of Jesus as a result. Before Valentine was executed and died, he wrote a final note to Asterius’ daughter and signed it, “from your Valentine.” His story was passed down, and by the Middle Ages, Valentine would become one of the most well-known saints in England and France. Ever since, people have continued to write notes in February and sign them “from your Valentine”, in the spirit of love. *

Inspired by all that history, devotion and tradition, here is February’s prayer challenge topic:

Pray that your son(s) would fall in love with Jesus. That they would understand who the Lord Jesus is, that they would receive Him as their Savior. Pray that they would be passionately devoted to Jesus all their lives.

Our sons will grow up to experience the love of family, friendship and romantic love. But above all these relationships, we pray our sons will forever love God first and foremost. In God’s unconditional love our sons can know the one who forgives, accepts, restores, heals, blesses and gives grace. That is true love.

Here are some scriptures to lead you in your prayer time.

Matthew 22:37
Jesus replied: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment.”

2 Timothy 3:15New Living Translation (NLT)
“You have been taught the holy Scriptures from childhood, and they have given you the wisdom to receive the salvation that comes by trusting in Christ Jesus.”

John 6:68-69, New International Version (NIV)
Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”

Psalm 71:17-18, New Living Translation (NLT)
O God, you have taught me from my earliest childhood,
and I constantly tell others about the wonderful things you do. Now that I am old and gray, do not abandon me, O God.
 Let me proclaim your power to this new generation,
your mighty miracles to all who come after me.

Romans 8: 38
For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

*For more reading on the history and origins of Valentines Day see

St. Valentine, the Real Story

The Legend of St. Valentine