The Lottery

Our 3 sons:  Ivan (10), Lawrence (9) and Brian (5)

I could not believe my ears nor comprehend the message that my20150831_214723_resized boyfriend relayed to me that Sunday afternoon in 2003. I was in my fourth year of college and I was doing my teaching internship.  The only other big plans I had at that time were for us to get married.  But then he told me his news: he had won the green card lottery!  If we followed the process in place we could be traveling from Kenya to the United States in a year!

The news was both exciting and sad.  On the positive side, I had heard that the USA was a land of milk and honey, and that the opportunities were limitless.  Yet, I could not imagine leaving my parents, my siblings or my friends behind to venture into a territory that was so unfamiliar.  And even if we wanted to go, we didn’t have the financial capability of taking care of the required expenses.

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